Hi all,
It's been a while, eh? Muse still kinda abandoned me, but I'm trying my best. The lovely
Aviya Glass awarded me this lovely award, so that's kinda spurred me on to make a post, and get things moving a little forward again. Thanks hun!! :o)

The requirements of this are; I must thank the person who gave me this (yay hun!!) and link their blog... done and done. ;o) Now... 10 honest things about myself. Ooohhh... have to watch what I say here. LOL.
1. I'm always down on myself.
2. I'm constantly tired.
3. I am unique and different - and proud of the fact.
4. Sometimes I just want to be left alone.
5. I need constant stimulation - can't just sit and watch telly for example.
6. I don't like to think, as thinking can be bad sometimes.
7. I love heavy metal music, but also have a little guilty pleasure in country music.
8. My brain sometimes can't cope with life.
9. Most people find me funny. Probably both haha funny and strange funny. :op
10. It takes me far too long to do things sometimes.
Okay... if that hasn't scared you, well done, lol.
I award this to the following people/blogs who I find awesome.
Autumn Rose Crafts2.
A Perfect Mess3.
Beads by Laura4.
Buffys Charms5.
Charlotte Hupfield Ceramics6.
Raspberry Cupcake7.
Pearls and Whirls8.
OOAK Fairy fae Sculpture9.
Murano Silver10.
Lazy Daisy Glass11.
Jan's cards and crafts13.
Craft duoAnd I'll leave it at a lucky 13 people. lol. ;o)
Rach, x