Trying to get back into blogging with renewing my business plans, but I'm not getting why it says undefined for the dates etc..

Me again.

I made these a little while back, but only posting them now as I've only just got good pics of them to show. They're now for sale in my Misi store.

The green one above is my fave. Both made with handmade lampwork beads, from the same supplier, silver plate filligree style pendant and faux suede cord. The green beads have a brown cord, and the purple/pink ones below have a black one. Both for sale in Misi @ £20.

Rach, x
Hi all,

It's been a while, eh? Muse still kinda abandoned me, but I'm trying my best. The lovely Aviya Glass awarded me this lovely award, so that's kinda spurred me on to make a post, and get things moving a little forward again. Thanks hun!! :o)

The requirements of this are; I must thank the person who gave me this (yay hun!!) and link their blog... done and done. ;o) Now... 10 honest things about myself. Ooohhh... have to watch what I say here. LOL.

1. I'm always down on myself.
2. I'm constantly tired.
3. I am unique and different - and proud of the fact.
4. Sometimes I just want to be left alone.
5. I need constant stimulation - can't just sit and watch telly for example.
6. I don't like to think, as thinking can be bad sometimes.
7. I love heavy metal music, but also have a little guilty pleasure in country music.
8. My brain sometimes can't cope with life.
9. Most people find me funny. Probably both haha funny and strange funny. :op
10. It takes me far too long to do things sometimes.

Okay... if that hasn't scared you, well done, lol.

I award this to the following people/blogs who I find awesome.

1. Autumn Rose Crafts
2. A Perfect Mess
3. Beads by Laura
4. Buffys Charms
5. Charlotte Hupfield Ceramics
6. Raspberry Cupcake
7. Pearls and Whirls
8. OOAK Fairy fae Sculpture
9. Murano Silver
10. Lazy Daisy Glass
11. Jolicious
12. Jan's cards and crafts
13. Craft duo

And I'll leave it at a lucky 13 people. lol. ;o)

Rach, x
It's been a while, eh?

I'm trying to get back into things, but I've lost my mojo somewhat, and my muse is nowhere to be seen. I've not really done anything with jewellery for a while, but I'm hopeful that something will happen soon. Got a couple of things done yesterday, but I'm not posting them yet I don't think... I want to see if my muse/mojo is making a comeback first.

I'm sorry I've been awol for a while, but sometimes life just gets on top of you a little. Miss my buddies here and at the forum, but you can still find me on facebook. I'll get back into everything once I'm feeling more human, which hopefully won't be far away. I'm on a week off from work (go back Tues) so maybe by the end of that I'll feel up to getting involved again, and creating.

Love ya guys.

Rach, x

Mini update. The chainwork pendant necklace and earring set, and the chainwork bracelet are now available in Misi!

Really love these ones, and hope to be able to make more soon.

Rach, x


Evening all. These earrings I love, and I hope the recipient will too. Specially made to co-ordinate with a necklace I gifted her, these are Swarovski crystal and sterling silver. They sparkle deliciously, and are one of my fave colours. Pink! Gosh I hope she likes em, lol!

I know, it's been forever since I've posted, and forever since I even glanced at others blogs... sorry. I've got round to a few, but not many. Life has been hectic, and I've only just got round to getting things made too. I will try harder to visit blogs, or even reply to replies here (lol), but time is limited right now, and I'm exhausted!

Still love you all though. :)

Rach, x

Update; She loved 'em! :)

Small post today, as I'm running out of time. Again, lol. Misi store updated with a couple of new pieces, one of them my first male oriented piece.

Not sure if I'm making more male things or not. Time will tell.

Rach, x